Hey guys, how’s it going? I was having a conversation with my mentor recently and he thought it’d be great to write about my experience being in my final year and learning tech. This is also a post to assure anyone out there that you can do anything you put your mind to do with discipline and dedication. Also writing this so I’d be able to look back in a couple of years and see how far I’d have come. So I decided to take software development very seriously this year due to the fact that I didn’t want to be among the statistic in Nigeria. The statistic of the “Unemployed”
This journey hasn’t been easy, to say the least. Anyone who says that your final year is the easiest year in Uni has just lied to you. Especially Federal Universities in Nigeria that believe in rushing. I’m writing this blog post at the moment because I have a little time to spare due to the Salah holiday… After the holiday, my exams resume.
Reading and writing exams, working on my Project and seminar, preparing for my Defense, taking a Technical writing course, taking a Cloud specialist course, being a mentee at She code Africa boot camp, writing Tech, and Skincare articles, while trying to stay sane. I honestly wish I could give a straight answer but I can tell you for a fact that I do not have a social life. Funny but true, not wanting to be part of the statistic comes with its own price but I wouldn’t have it any other way as long as in the end, I get what I want.
Recently, I changed my phone's wallpaper to this
I have decided to be gentler and speak kindlier to myself. I can’t have it all figured out, so I have to pace myself even if I’m scared of the “what-ifs”
Also, I have two Bible verses I like to read that get me through “the fear of the unknown” Jeremiah 29:11 and 2 Timothy 1:7. Apart from doing these, whenever I’m utterly swamped or down and I don’t feel like doing anything work or school-related, I sleep or watch Asian dramas. Utterly love them!
I also try to watch coding videos on Youtube or read a coding book. I recently started reading one called “Computer Science Distilled” and I absolutely love it. In the long run, I hope I can look back and say I did well. I really hope you enjoyed this blog post and got a thing or two from it? Thank you for reading.